
Transition Habitat Conservancy

We Are Protecting Our Mojave Desert

  • A desert tortoise eagerly eating yucca blossoms.

    Saving the Desert Tortoise

    Transition Habitat Conservancy owns over 4,000 acres of land in the Freemont-Kramer and Super-Cronese ACEC’s and Critical Habitat Units and works in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management to manage nearly 250,000 acres of land in these regions. We work extensively to acquire land in these management areas and are currently working on our WCB-awarded grant for $1.9 million to save the desert tortoise from the brink in the Western Mojave Desert. Our work with our partner groups is implementing revolutionary technology to actively conserve this incredible species.

  • A dreamy, Western Joshua tree at sunset, with mountains and clouds in the background.

    Protecting the Western Joshua Tree

    Transition Habitat Conservancy is on the cutting edge of implementing new and inventive restoration techniques to benefit the Western Joshua tree throughout it’s range and as it faces an uncertain future. We have acquired and permanently protect thousands of acres of Joshua tree woodland in the Western Mojave as well as help other land managers to accomplish this goal. We work closely with our partners at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to advise them on best management practices and best quality habitat that the can sustain all demographics of the tree.

  • Children looking at Transition Habitat's ambassador desert tortoise, held by Director of Conservation Sarah Berryman.

    Advocating for Wildlife and People

    Our Mission: Transition Habitat Conservancy protects transition zones and wildlife corridor ecosystems and their scenic, agricultural, and cultural resource values in the West Mojave Desert. We provide education about the fragile and inspirational nature of our desert plants, animals, and ecosystems to connect people to nature.

    We are working to address the most challenging problems facing the Western Mojave Desert.

Who We Are

Transition Habitat Conservancy is a grassroots, non-profit organization that focuses on critical land acquisitions and habitat stewardship in the West Mojave Desert. We are an accredited land trust with the Land Trust Alliance. With the support of our local community, a dedicated board and staff, and successful partnerships with local, state and federal agencies, THC has saved over 11,414 acres of important habitat and works to improve over 260,000 additional acres in Southern California.

With your support, Transition Habitat has…

Stewarded nearly


Acres of wild space



Acres of habitat



Special Status Species



Hours of volunteer help
(Since 2021)

What We Do

  • A large mountain lion walking by the camera at night, with bushes and grass behind it.


    We acquire, protect and preserve natural areas and wild spaces for the benefit of the species who inhabit them.

  • The sun shines on a Joshua tree forest, with the foothills in the background.


    We manage and care for land for conservation purposes, ensuring their long-term protection.

  • A group of young adults in the AmeriCorps gives each other high fives, with the Western Mojave visible behind them.

    Community & Education

    We provide resources and services to our communities to share knowledge, engage, and empower people to protect their environment and community.

2024 Annual Fundraiser Video

We invite you to watch the highlights from our recent fundraiser, where we celebrated another successful year of conservation in the Mojave Desert! This event featured inspiring keynote speakers who shared their insights and experiences in protecting our unique desert ecosystems. The video captures the essence of our mission and the collective efforts of our dedicated supporters. Join us in reflecting on our achievements and looking forward to future challenges as we continue to work together for the preservation of the Mojave Desert. Enjoy the inspiring moments and valuable messages shared during this impactful event!