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Desert Tortoise Habitat Restoration

Come help us restore critical desert tortoise habitat! You can participate on either, or both of the days we have available. We will begin with a "tortoise talk" and a basic field class to help you identify burrows and other tortoise sign. After some hiking we will directly restore damaged habitat!

We will be restoring a few areas near a solar facility and some OHV routes in a critical tortoise area. We will use a technique called vertical mulching, where we dig holes in old, undesignated routes and plant dead and downed plant material to both disguise the road, and speed up the recovery process. The planted bushes catch water and seeds and help to re-vegetate and protect the area from further vehicle use. We are trying to keep people on the legal route system.

Due to the sensitive nature of the habitat, we are limiting registration to 20 people each day. Registration is required below.

March 3

California Naturalist Course: Introduction to the Mojave Desert

April 4

Tumbleweed Roundup