Lake Fire Update and Call to Action

The Lake Fire may have dealt us a blow, but it hasn’t knocked us down. With your continued support, we can mitigate the threats to our land and the wildlife that depends on it. Click on the “Support Us” button above for how you can give. Even small amounts can go a long way.

We are already working with USFS to put in water bars on the many new fire breaks to help minimize erosion problems. We are hauling water to the drinking stations, until we can get the wells and pumps working again, so there is fresh water available for wildlife. As soon as we get the green light, we will get the drone up to assess damages and begin work on restoration strategies. It is imperative to get the fences repaired and signs up to keep unauthorized users and poachers out of the area. Our 21-plus wildlife cameras that melted in the fire will need to be replaced and set up. These cameras are vital in helping us to evaluate and monitor the diversity of wildlife on the land. Long term restoration efforts will focus on revegetation and removal of invasive plants.

These are our priorities right now. We have a commitment to the land, and we intend to deliver. With community support, ongoing donations, pledges, and cheerleaders encouraging and backing us, we can do this! If you have not already done so, you can become part of the team that makes a difference in the recovery and restoration efforts of the Portal Ridge Wildlife Preserve.

The land WE are caring for and protecting today is the land YOUR grandchildren will enjoy tomorrow. Your donations, big and small will greatly assist us in our efforts. Thank you to all who have helped!


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